Most landlords or local council housing departments can relate to the undeniably frustrating issues surrounding unwanted tenants in their properties.  “Squatters” is the term we usually use to refer to unauthorised residents in a property; usually people who break in to a secured premises and set up home until forced to leave by authorities.  Occasionally these people are existing tenants who refuse to leave after their lease has expired or ignore repeated court orders to vacate.

In most cases squatters are usually moved on after a long term of residence which can lead to the property being left in a poor condition.  Quite often drug use is evident and sometimes even human excrement can be found in the rooms.  Furniture, unwanted possessions and general waste are left behind alongside, in some cases, serious damage to the property’s structure.

Trauma Clean 24Seven offer a Squat Clearance service as part of our Hoarding Clean Up service.  Our teams are professionally trained to deal with any drug paraphernalia which may be left behind; often with needles secreted in places which can be harmful when clearance and repairs are carried out.  Our operatives are fully trained to located any hidden items and wear the specialist PPE required to avoid needle sticks from syringes which can carry bloodborne viruses.

Quite often tradesmen will refuse to work in a property which has been previously occupied by squatters due to the unhygienic conditions and risks involved if drug paraphernalia is left behind after the property is vacated.  At Trauma Clean 24Seven our teams who carry out both the Squat Clearance service and Hoarding Clean Up service are able to carry out a full sweep of the premises for drug paraphernalia.  Safely disposing of all items founds.  A full biohazard clean and clear service can then be carried out as part of the Hoarding Clean Up service offered, restoring the property to a safe and hygienic space.

Contact a member of our friendly office team on 0203 640 8247 to discuss your requirements or email us some photographs of the effected areas to [email protected].  We are able to offer a free, no obligation, quotation for all of your specialist cleaning needs.