Why do I need a hoarding clean up service?   That is probably a question that many people ask themselves when they feel they are suffering from a hoarding disorder – sometimes the amount of possessions that have been collected in the home become overwhelming and the sufferer realises that their living conditions have become unhygienic at best and extremely dangerous at worst.  A hoard can soon have a serious effect on the sufferers physical health and also present a real risk of fire in the home if left unattended.  Pests often invade the home attracted to over-cluttered spaces which can provide ideal living conditions for them, unlike the occupants of the property.  A hoard can be inside or outside the home – hygiene and safety issues are applicable regardless.  This is when you may require a hoarding clean up service to remove the bio hazards from your home.

A bio hazard is a biological substance that poses as a threat to humans and animals. When we come into contact with a bio hazard we are at risk of catching potentially deadly viruses and diseases. Viruses are contracted through air, insects, direct contact and also contaminated surfaces.

Examples of viruses found in bio hazards:

  • Ecoli
  • Ebolade
  • HIV
  • Hepatitis

Where might you find bio hazards?

Upon finding hazardous items, we advise you to contact a professional who is available to remove the effected items and sanitise the area which could be potentially hazardous to your health. For this reason we strive to carry out the cleans as quickly as possible to reduce the risk of cross contamination.

We handle the risks so you don’t have to.

Trauma Clean 24 Seven’s cleaning teams encounter bio hazards every day and all of operatives have undertaken accredited training to carry out our services. Due to the dangers involved in bio hazards, 24 Seven cleaning operatives are professionally trained to remove and sanitise effected items safely. Wearing the correct clothing and using industry grade cleaning products are essential. Therefore we always advise you to seek professional advice rather than undertaking the task on your own.

If you think you may need our services or any further information please contact us; we can provide a free quotation for all of your biohazard cleaning requirements.