
Living with a loved one who grapples with hoarding disorder can be emotionally taxing and physically hazardous. Hoarding is more than just clutter; it’s a deeply rooted psychological condition requiring understanding, empathy, and professional intervention. At Trauma Clean 24 Seven, we understand the complexities involved in supporting a loved one through the process of hoarding cleanup and recovery.

Understanding Hoarding Disorder

Hoarding disorder is characterised by the persistent difficulty in discarding possessions, leading to clutter accumulation and compromised living spaces. Individuals with hoarding disorder experience intense anxiety when faced with discarding items, often resulting in unsafe living conditions. Recognising hoarding as a mental health issue is crucial for compassionate support and effective hoarding cleanup.

Approaching the Conversation

  1. Choosing the Right Time and Place: Initiate the conversation in a calm, non-confrontational setting conducive to open dialogue. Timing is essential, so pick a moment when your loved one feels relaxed and receptive.
  2. Expressing Concern with Compassion: Use “I” statements to convey your worries without assigning blame. For instance, express, “I’ve noticed that managing things seems overwhelming for you, and I’m concerned about your well-being.”
  3. Active Listening: Provide space for your loved one to express their feelings and thoughts without judgment. Active listening fosters trust and understanding, laying the foundation for effective support.

Encouraging Professional Help

  1. Researching Professional Services: Take the initiative to explore mental health professionals, therapists, or organisers experienced in hoarding cleanup. Trauma Clean 24 Seven specialises in providing compassionate and non-judgemental assistance during hoarding cleanup.
  2. Offering Support in Seeking Treatment: Encourage your loved one to consider professional help, emphasising that hoarding disorder is a treatable mental health condition. Assure them that support is available to facilitate their journey towards recovery.

Taking Practical Steps

  1. Practising Patience and Understanding: Understand that progress may be gradual, and setbacks are normal. Extend unwavering support to your loved one without applying pressure or criticism.
  2. Assisting in Creating a Cleanup Plan: Collaborate on establishing achievable goals for hoarding cleanup. Break down tasks into manageable steps and celebrate each milestone achieved along the way.
  3. Respecting Boundaries: Honour your loved one’s decisions regarding what to keep or discard. Upholding their sense of autonomy and control is crucial throughout the hoarding cleanup process.


Supporting a loved one with hoarding disorder demands patience, empathy, and a commitment to understanding their challenges. At Trauma Clean 24 Seven, we specialise in providing compassionate hoarding cleanup assistance, ensuring a safe and supportive environment for your loved one’s journey to recovery. Remember, seeking professional help can significantly enhance the hoarding cleanup process, and you’re not alone in this journey.

Did you know? We offer a range of other specialist biohazard cleaning services including after death clean up, needle clean up and trauma and crime scene clean up. Contact us on 02036408247 or email us at [email protected] for further information.