Hoarding disorder is a complex psychological condition that affects millions of people worldwide. Making it challenging for individuals to part with belongings and maintain a clutter-free living space. While hoarding cleanup can be a crucial step towards recovery, preventing relapse and sustaining long-term success requires ongoing effort and commitment. At Trauma Clean 24 Seven, we understand the importance of providing support beyond the cleanup process. In this blog post, we’ll discuss common challenges faced by individuals post-cleanup. Offering practical tips for maintaining a clutter-free environment and managing hoarding tendencies over time.

Understanding the Challenges

After the initial cleanup, individuals with hoarding disorder may experience a range of emotions, including anxiety, guilt, and fear of reverting to old habits. Without proper support and guidance, they may struggle to maintain the progress made during the cleanup process. Some common challenges faced by individuals post-cleanup include:

  1. Emotional Attachments: Hoarding often stems from deep emotional attachments to possessions, making it difficult for individuals to let go of items, even after they’ve been decluttered.
  2. Decision-Making: Making decisions about what to keep and what to discard can be overwhelming for individuals with hoarding disorder. Without ongoing support, they may revert to saving items unnecessarily.
  3. Social Isolation: Hoarding can lead to social isolation and strained relationships with family and friends. Without a supportive network, individuals may struggle to maintain motivation and accountability.
  4. Lack of Skills: Managing possessions and maintaining an organised living space requires specific skills that individuals with hoarding disorder may lack. Without proper education and training, they may struggle to sustain long-term success.

Practical Tips for Long-Term Success

While preventing relapse after hoarding cleanup can be challenging, it is possible with the right strategies and support systems in place. Here are some practical tips for maintaining a clutter-free environment and managing hoarding tendencies over time:

  1. Establish a Support Network: Surround yourself with supportive friends, family members, therapists, and professional organisers who understand hoarding disorder and can provide encouragement and guidance when needed.
  2. Develop Coping Strategies: Identify healthy coping mechanisms to manage stress, anxiety, and other emotions that may trigger hoarding tendencies. This could include mindfulness techniques, relaxation exercises, or engaging in enjoyable activities.
  3. Create a Maintenance Plan: Develop a realistic and sustainable maintenance plan for keeping your living space clutter-free. Break tasks down into manageable steps and establish routines for organising, cleaning, and decluttering regularly.
  4. Practice Mindful Consumption: Adopt a mindful approach to acquiring new possessions and consider the true value and utility of items before bringing them into your home. Avoid impulse purchases and focus on purchasing items that add genuine value to your life.
  5. Seek Ongoing Therapy: Continuously engage in therapy or counselling to address underlying psychological issues contributing to hoarding disorder. Cognitive-behavioural therapy (CBT) and exposure therapy can be particularly effective in helping individuals change their thoughts and behaviours related to hoarding.
  6. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries with yourself and others regarding what is acceptable in your living space. Communicate these boundaries effectively and enlist the support of others in maintaining them.
  7. Stay Educated: Stay informed about hoarding disorder and continue learning about effective strategies for managing it. Attend support groups, read books, and stay connected with professionals who specialise in hoarding disorder treatment.


Preventing relapse after hoarding cleanup requires ongoing effort, commitment, and support. By understanding the common challenges faced by individuals post-cleanup and implementing practical strategies for long-term success. Individuals with hoarding disorder can maintain a clutter-free environment and improve their overall quality of life. At Trauma Clean 24 Seven, we are committed to providing comprehensive support and resources to individuals and families affected by hoarding disorder. If you or someone you know is struggling with hoarding tendencies, don’t hesitate to reach out for help. Together, we can achieve lasting change and transformation.

Did you know? We offer a range of other specialist biohazard cleaning services including after death clean up, needle clean up and trauma and crime scene clean up. Contact us on 02036408247 or email us at [email protected] for further information.